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Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Most Recent Scam - Calls/Emails From The Alleged 'IRS'

The most recent scam? Scammers are making phone calls or sending emails to people, stating they are calling from the
IRS about a refund check.To read the full story, CLICK HERE to go to the IRS article.
The goal of the scams is to trick people into revealing personal and financial information, such as Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers, which the scumbags can use to commit identity theft. I highly recommend Lifelock, for $10 a month they moniter your credit & back up your identity with a million bucks. A small price to pay for peace of mind.

The best piece of advice I can give in this situation is NEVER, EVER EVER, under any circumstances, give ANYONE financial or personal information if they contact you. You should be the one making the phone call/email (i.e. to your bank) if any type of personal info is going to be discussed.

Be careful my fellow friends, and protect your hard earned cash.


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